It’s winter, and that means cold weather is upon us.  With the rising prices of utilities, we are looking at ways to keep warm without breaking the bank. There will be some things you won’t be able to control if you are a tenant, things like insulation and windows and doors. But there are still lots of things you can do. 


One of the easiest things you can do to make your home feel warmer is by adding soft furnishings. If you have an empty bare space, it can feel a lot colder than it actually is especially on dull, damp days. 

Thick curtains will keep draughts out and will keep the warmth in. Try closing them an hour before sunset. This will make the most of any sunlight that has warmed the room and keep your heat in too.

Blankets and soft materials will help make the room feel warm and cosy. Decorate your sofas with soft throws and pillows. As an added bonus, you can use the blankets on the nights when you’re curled up watching TV. 

Use rugs to cover hard flooring. A hardwood floor can often have cracks between the planks which can sometimes be a bit draughty. Using a large rug can help block the cool air, and will help to keep the heat too. 

Furniture placement

Think about your furniture placement. Have you put a sofa in front of a radiator? Try moving the furniture out the way, so that when the radiators are on air can circulate. This will not only help to heat the room but will also get up to temperature more quickly. 

If a complete furniture change around isn’t an option, pull sofas and units away from the radiators. This way air is still able to pass behind and you won’t just be heating up the back of your chairs!

Check for draughts

Feeling a draught when you are nice and warm can make you feel constantly cold. There are many solutions to stopping them, depending on where they are coming from. Firstly you must locate the source.

Window seals can perish over time, and sometimes there is just a tiny gap that no one can see. Whatever the case, you can buy window kits for a reasonable price. Using these kits will help you to insulate the window better. If it’s a severe problem, speak to your landlord or letting agent and report that your windows are letting in the cold. 

Doors are another common source of unwanted airflow, to which there is a simple and easy fix. Draught excluders are not only practical but also can be a really stylish addition to your home. Coming in a range of colours, patterns and even shapes it’s an inexpensive way to keep your spaces warm. 

Keyholes, although small, can also let in a draught. You can buy keyhole covers that slide down over the hole to stop air from moving in and out. 

Take your mum’s advice

“Put a jumper on” is a bit of advice your parents would shout if you went anywhere near the thermostat.  A jumper and pair of fluffy socks can be all you need to feel warmer. Adding a layer before turning the heating up can not only save you money but also help the planet out too. 

The last bit of advice we can give you is to carry out checks on your heater. Make sure there are no cold spots on the radiators as this could mean trapped air. If you are experiencing problems, bleed the radiators and then check again. If the problem persists, call your landlord or letting agent.

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